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How are Businesses Using Social Media for Recruiting: Trends 2013

If you thought social media usage was only a means for gaining popularity among friends, think again! It could come as a surprise to you that these platforms are being extensively used as recruitment sources by prominent organizations. And this could prove to be the single most important reason for managing your profiles in the most desirable way possible!

It is of immense importance for you, as a job seeker or employee, to realize that when you put up your profile on a social networking platform, it is open for everyone to see! Therefore, be it your current employers, prospective ones or your coveted clients, they can all visit your profile page to learn more about you. How you project yourself on social media, therefore, is extremely important and could have a remarkable bearing upon your career goals.

Businesses and Social Recruitment: The Trends in 2013

So, how many recruiters are actually planning to use social media as a source for recruitment in 2013? Well, according to the facts furnished by a brand new survey conducted by Bullhorn, almost 98% plan to make the most of these interfaces and the mammoth exposure they enjoy. Hence, having a social presence that is attractive enough to turn heads is indeed inevitable.

Looking back at 2012, LinkedIn emerged as the top site used for tracking candidates. While 97% recruiters preferred LinkedIn, 51% chose Facebook, 49% preferred Twitter, 19.1% resorted to Google+ and 3.6% liked Pinterest. Come 2013, LinkedIn continues to remain the top choice for social media recruitment, however its numbers have dwindled to 82.6%. Twitter has emerged as the second choice at 38.3%, with Facebook at 37.4%.

Besides the more pronounced phenomenon of more and more recruiters using social media for tracking down candidates, these platforms have also emerged as the leading way of tracking down potential clients. In fact, social hunting of clients has become as important as attending networking events and even considered better than becoming part of professional groups!

Therefore, what seems to most important among all this is that even if you are not seeking a job at the moment, it is essential to remain prepared to be found. Recruiters are always on the lookout for the ideal candidate and in case it happens to be your dream job, it would be essential to strike the best impression possible. It is always safe to be in the best of form, lest you should be tracked down any moment.

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