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Social Medial Tattoo: Life… One Quick Click Away from Self-Destruction or Self–Promotion. Coming Soon On Social Media Tatto


Social Media Tattoo book cover

With the surge in popularity, social media, which can now be considered as mainstream, has been subjected to scathing criticism, against the backdrop of grave concerns. Most of the concerns center on irresponsible usage of such tools and platforms by the younger segments of society, primarily teenagers and young adults, especially college students. Owing to the fact that social media does open up security concerns and issues related to privacy, prominent threats include that of stalkers and intruders. Besides, social media has become another avenue for predators of various kinds to hunt for prey. Multiple cases of cyber-bullying and sex related extortion have surfaced in recent times.

In order to combat the prevailing situation, most prominent social networking platforms now use privacy settings that can be deployed to limit exposure to personal profiles. However, most users, especially the uninformed youngsters, do not usually check out all the options for cyber protection that might be offered online.

This book deals with the specific dangers faced by the younger and less responsible social media butterflies. The aim is to not only bring to light the threats that the irresponsible use of social media could pose but to find ways to benefit from this hugely popular platform via responsible and informed use.


Evie Brooks is the author of the book Social Media Tattoo – Life…One Quick Click from Self-Destruction or Self-Promotion (coming in March 2013 on Amazon). This book was written with college students in mind and how the popularity of social media has grown among students over the last five years. With this surge in popularity, social media which is now mainstream, is subjected to great concern centered on irresponsible usage.

This book deals with the specific dangers faced by the younger and less responsible social media users. The aim is not only to bring to light the threats that social media pose but find ways to benefit from this hugely popular platform via responsible and informed use. In reality this book truly addresses all areas of humanity not just students but is vital for the student to understand the power of it at this early stage in their life.

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GA morning news – last item 8:50 each day April 1,2013

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